Top listeners:
114 | Michael Greene: Carbon Cowboy or Lone Ranger? Part 1
113 | The Future of Environmental Finance: Strategies for Biodiversity and Climate Solutions, with David Hill and George Kelly
112 | Fantasy Football and Dynamic Baselines: New Tools for Impact Assessment
111 | The False Dichotomy Between Reductions and Removals (Rerun)
110| Ecological Economics, Systems Thinking, and the Limits to Growth
109 | How Brazil's Quilombola Communities are Planting the Seeds of Sustainability for Small Farms Around the World, with Vasco van Roosmalen of ReSeed
108 | The Washington Post’s Head Scratcher of a Carbon Story
107 | Francis Bacon and the Prehistory of Climate Finance. Second in an intermittent series on the Untold Story of the Voluntary Carbon Market
106 | Steve Discusses the "Tribes of the Climate Realm" on the Smarter Markets Podcast
105 | The Role of Carbon Credits in Conservation: A Case Study from Guatemala
The first week of year-end climate talks have wrapped up in Katowice, Poland, where natural climate solutions are finally getting the attention they deserve — both in negotiations and on the sides. Everyone, it seems, agrees that we need to improve the way we manage our forests, farms, and fields — which can get us more than a third of the way to meeting the Paris Agreement targets — but how do you make that happen?
We speak with Chris Meyer of the Environmental Defense Fund, Josefina Brana of WWF, Jason Funk of Carbon 180, Peter Graham of Climate Advisors, and David Burns of the National Wildlife Federation.
December 6, 2024
November 28, 2024
September 3, 2024
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