Top listeners:
113 | The Future of Environmental Finance: Strategies for Biodiversity and Climate Solutions, with David Hill and George Kelly
112 | Fantasy Football and Dynamic Baselines: New Tools for Impact Assessment
111 | The False Dichotomy Between Reductions and Removals (Rerun)
110| Ecological Economics, Systems Thinking, and the Limits to Growth
109 | How Brazil's Quilombola Communities are Planting the Seeds of Sustainability for Small Farms Around the World, with Vasco van Roosmalen of ReSeed
108 | The Washington Post’s Head Scratcher of a Carbon Story
107 | Francis Bacon and the Prehistory of Climate Finance. Second in an intermittent series on the Untold Story of the Voluntary Carbon Market
106 | Steve Discusses the "Tribes of the Climate Realm" on the Smarter Markets Podcast
105 | The Role of Carbon Credits in Conservation: A Case Study from Guatemala
104 Transition Finance: How Carbon Markets REALLY Work, with David Antonioli
Hundreds of consumer-facing companies have pledged to purge deforestation from their supply chains — often by only buying products that are certified as being sustainably grown. But what happens when a certified company gets caught cheating? In this case, quite a lot.
November 28, 2024
September 3, 2024
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